26 September 2019News
Upcoming HTCPM 2020 conference

We would like to inform you all of the “Les Embiez” Conference, organized every four years, which is one of the most important conferences for the High Temperature Corrosion community. The goal of the symposium is to capture the current research and scientific understanding related to high temperature corrosion of materials. The 10th edition of the High Temperature Corrosion and Protection of Materials (HTCPM2020) will be held from May 10th to 15th 2020 in Les Embiez Island (France).
HTCPM 2020 is jointly organised by the Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France (UGA), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US (ORNL), Toulouse Institut National Polytechnique, France (Toulouse INP), Université de Lorraine, France (Lorraine U) and Université de Bourgogne, France (Bourgne U).
October 15, 2019: Deadline for the abstract submission