6 October 2020News
Ph. D. Dissertation: Strategies to Mitigate the Degradation of Stainless-Steel Interconnects Used in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

A Dissertation at HTC and the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering is upcoming:
Claudia Göbel will present:
“Strategies to Mitigate the Degradation of Stainless-Steel Interconnects Used in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells”
The Faculty opponent is Prof. Sebastien Chevalier, University of Burgundy, France
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Energy and materials
Date: Oktober 16th, 2020
Time: 10:00
Zoom: please contact jan.froitzheim@chalmers.se for the link
Location: HA1, Hörsalsvägen 4, (Chalmers, Johanneberg campus)