22 May 2024News
Ph. D. Dissertation: Corrosion of Metallic Interconnects for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells – Mitigating chromium evaporation and dual-atmosphere challenges

A Doctoral Thesis Defense at HTC and the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering is upcoming:
“Corrosion of Metallic Interconnects for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells – Mitigating chromium evaporation and dual-atmosphere challenges”
Matthieu Tristan Tomas, Energy & Materials
Date: Friday 31 May, 2024
Time: 10:00
Location: KE-salen, Chemistry building, Kemigården 4 (Chalmers, Johanneberg campus).
The Faculty opponent is Prof. Paolo Piccardo, University of Genova, Genova, Italy
The thesis can be found here.
The defense will also be held online through Zoom and can be viewed on following link: https://chalmers.zoom.us/j/8700746529
Please turn off your own camera and microphone when joining by link.